Reporting to Parents
Teachers report to parents on learning each term as follows:
Term 1
Learning Conversations
Learners invite their parents to meet the teacher, present their learning successes and challenges, then talk to the teacher about their learning aspirations for the coming term.
Learners guide the learning conversation, encouraged and supported by whānau and the teachers.
Term 2
Mid-Year Written Reports
Teachers provide written feedback to learners in core areas of academic learning (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) as well as the ACTIVE learning dispositions.
Term 3
Learning Conversations
Learners again invite their parents in to school to present their learning successes, challenges and achievements, then talk to the teacher about aspirations for the coming term.
Learners guide the learning conversation, encouraged and supported by whānau and the teachers.
Term 4
End-of-Year Written Reports
Teachers provide written feedback about areas of strength and areas for development in Reading, Writing and Mathematics and show achievement against Curriculum Levels. A comment about development of the ACTIVE learning dispositions is also included.
For more information on how our Learning Conversations work, please click here.
Each term, learners use Seesaw to post examples of their learning in a range of learning areas to illustrate what they are learning and how they are going in their learning. Teachers, parents and caregivers may comment on these posts.
Our ‘open-door’ policy means parents and caregivers do not have to wait for the twice-yearly learning conversation meetings to discuss their child’s learning. You can see the teacher and make a time to talk about your child at any time of the year. Simply contact the teacher and request a meeting time so teachers can plan to make enough time available for you without other pressing commitments impacting on the meeting time.