Educational Review Office Report
Quotes from our ERO Report:
“Children are immersed in a learning environment that supports the school’s vision of being confident, resilient, respectful citizens. The ILE environments encourage children to work collaboratively in differentiated and mixed-ability groups.
There are many good examples of children displaying the school’s valued learner attributes.
School leaders, staff and trustees work together to create a positive, inclusive environment that promotes children’s wellbeing. There is a holistic, wrap-around approach to pastoral care.
Learners are achieving well. The school demonstrates strong progress toward achieving equity in educational outcomes, supported by effective, sustainable processes and practices.
A school focus on the increasing integration of bicultural practices and perspectives in the curriculum, continues to benefit Māori children. It also promotes understanding about bicultural practices for all children. Māori learners who spoke to ERO say these approaches help them feel valued as Māori.”