ACTIVE Learners
Our vision is Success for All
We want every learner to achieve success across all facets of school life, therefore, our purpose focuses on Nurturing ACTIVE Learners with ACTIVE being an acronym for:
Adventurous learners are risk-takers. They know when they make mistakes, they learn even more.
Collaborative learners benefit from working smarter together, rather than harder alone.
Thoughtful learners are open-minded to ideas and to many points of view.
Innovative learners are creative and imaginative. They look at information and concepts in new and original ways.
Valued learners have a sense of belonging. They feel safe to express themselves with individuality. They value the uniqueness of others.
Empowered learners have the skills and confidence to make meaningful changes to their world and the wider world.
Learning experiences that take place throughout the day offer opportunities for these dispositions to be encouraged, supported and developed. Learners who show personal growth in one of these areas are acknowledged with an ACTIVE Award at our school assembly, held every second Friday.
We believe nurturing these learning dispositions achieves:
our vision of success for all.
the goals of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) - confident, connected, active, life-long learners.
development of the key competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum - Thinking | Using language, symbols and texts | Managing self | Relating to others | Participating and contributing.