Kia Ora and Welcome to our school
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
At Warkworth School, we foster a dynamic learning environment where students are adventurous risk-takers, collaborative team players, and thoughtful explorers of ideas. With creativity and innovation at the forefront, our diverse community celebrates individuality and empowers every learner to make meaningful contributions to their world. Welcome to Warkworth School, where curiosity is encouraged and students discover a world of possibilities.
As a school, we are unique, with our Junior/Teina campus catering to Years 1-3 and our Senior/Tuakana campus serving Years 4-6. This split-site setup allows us to tailor our approach to the specific developmental and learning needs of each age group, ensuring a nurturing and supportive environment at every step of our ākonga educational journey.
One of our core values at Warkworth School is a commitment to continuous innovation. We are dedicated to exploring new ways of teaching and learning, always striving to remain at the forefront of educational practice. Our newly constructed buildings boast innovative learning environments (ILEs) designed to foster creativity and collaboration among students. Drawing on research-based pedagogy, including the OECD's Seven Principles of Learning and insights from esteemed scholars like Professor Russell Bishop and Professor Mere Berryman, our teachers provide high-quality learning experiences that cater to the varied needs of our learners.
At Warkworth, we understand the importance of community and cultural relationships in education. We value the input and involvement of our whānau and strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels secure in their identity and empowered to achieve their aspirations.
Our school boasts a wide range of high-quality facilities, including music studios, a centre for innovation and creativity, a modern library, a swimming pool, and two halls equipped for various activities. These resources, combined with our dedicated and skilled teaching staff, ensure that Warkworth School is well-equipped to nurture your child's growth and development in all aspects - socially, emotionally, physically, and academically.
As tumuaki I am excited to continue the legacy of excellence at Warkworth School and look forward to welcoming you and your whānau into our vibrant community.
Ngā mihi nui,
Karney Dawson
Principal, Warkworth School