After inviting designs for a new logo from our school community, a new logo was selected by staff and the Board of Trustees.
Samantha Lane, designer, commented:
“Encircling the logo is a stylised kowhai flower and leaves. Kowhai flowers are a recognisable icon of the area and a notable feature above Te Awa Waihē | Mahurangi River. The graceful components of the flower represent our connection with nature, growth, blossoming, and the life force of the school.
The sweeping line of the kowhai flower curves around to flowing koru shapes - a visual reference to Te Awa Waihē | Mahuranig River, whose flowing waters are of great significance to our local community and history.
The two koru represent the two campuses of one school, which are intertwined and flow together on their journey. The koru shape is symbolic of an unfurling fern frond and, in keeping with the symbolism of growth in the kowhai flower sitting above it, is associated with the learning journey and personal growth of the students.”
Ngati Manuhiri commented:
“The name Puhinui derives from the waterfalls known as Puhinui which were named by our tupuna, Te Kiri, who stopped to take rest and refuge. We consider the name to hold meaning for all communities as a place for reflection and contemplation and hope that the tamariki of Te Kura o Puhinui | Warkworth School will continue to find renewed inspiration in their thirst for knowledge.“