Our Board of Trustees
Board Meeting Dates
The BOT normally meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The meetings take place in the Staffroom on the Senior campus starting at 6:00pm.
These meetings are not public meetings, but meetings held in public so that members of the community can attend and observe the Board conduct their meeting. Speaking rights can be granted at the discretion of the Board. If you wish to have speaking rights at a future Board meeting, please email the Board Chairperson at botchair@warkworth.school.nz at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
These are available to be read at either school office.
BOT Newsletters
Board of Trustees 2022-2025
Tiffany Hubbard botchair@warkworth.school.nz
Parent Reps:
Richard Jones
Nigel Swain-William
Nic Tua
Staff Trustee:
Nicole Callender nicolec@warkworth.school.nz
Karney Dawson karneyd@warkworth.school.nz