Additional Learning Needs
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
We have children from a diverse range of language and ethnic backgrounds who receive support for learning English. Learning assistants work with students who have English as a second language guiding and supporting them within the regular learning programme. This way learners new to English are surrounded and immersed in the everyday language of children their own age in a nurturing and familiar environment. An experienced teacher has responsibility for overseeing the learning of these children so they are supported to effectively learn English.
Gifted Education
Some children are gifted in one or several areas of learning and/or behaviour. Where teachers and whānau recognise exceptional giftedness, a collaborative learning plan will be co-constructed and supported by teachers and, where appropriate, by outside agencies who specialise in the delivery of gifted education.
Learners with Additional Needs
We have a team of personnel to support learners and whānau where specific additional learning needs arise. This team includes:
SENCO - Special Education Needs Coordinator: Ms Suzanne Donovan
LSC - Learning Support Coordinator: Whāea Donna, Mrs Donna Gordon Glassford
RTLB - Resource Teacher, Learning and Behaviour: Ms Luzette Phillips
Where teachers recognise an arising need, whānau are contacted. When a collaborative action plan has been decided, the appropriate resource personnel will be engaged to support the learning.
“Leaders and staff carefully consider what is best for children with additional learning needs. Staff are open to new approaches for learners who are at risk of underachieving. They provide good support for children and their families as they transition into the school, within school, and on to their next school.”