List of students
Congratulations to the following ACTIVE Award winners: • Lacey Mason for being a strong, active, learner and learning your sounds and words so quickly. Well done for all your hard work! • Jack Crockett for working so hard to be a great ACTIVE leader in our guardian group. You have been a great role model for our new students. • Okiniam Ioane for working so hard to focus during learning time. The value you place on your learning has been shining bright! • Miller McConnell for continuously making strong learning choices. Your persistent effort to achieve and help others is appreciated by your whole learning team. • Noah Schewa for working hard to always be ready for learning. You enjoy being at school and make the most of all your learning opportunities! • Varun Rallapeta for being a kind and friendly member of Puriri. You happily talk and play with many different friends and make them feel valued. • Charlotte Sinden for your positive attitude to learning and your kind, caring and helpful manner. • Mariah Greene for valuing your reading, being mindful of others and caring for those around you. • Levi Davies for your positive attitude towards your learning. You demonstrate increased confidence, especially in Reading and Writing. Ka pai Levi! • Emily Reddell for valuing your learning and always trying your best in all curriculum areas. Ka pai Emily! • Oliver Hudson for doing your best to write on topic and stay on task. Well done! • Mckenna Bellinger Barrozo for great effort in Maths to count on and add numbers. Ka pai! • Rose Williams for showing huge initiative and perseverance in your learning. You are an amazing role model to others. • Matthew Wong for consistently being a responsible and reliable student who applies yourself to all aspects of your learning. Well done! • Vincent Lorimer for always using impeccable manners and being polite to everyone you speak to. You are a fantastic role model. • Diva Shah for being a conscientious learner. You are always thorough and pay attention to detail in all areas of learning. • Merieti Nawaia for being a learner who is always open to listening to others ideas and opinions and always presenting work you are proud of. • Darcy Mitchell for being a valued part of 302. You always help your classmates feel valued by encouraging them and their ideas. Thank you for your kindness. • Turitaake Uereti for showing such great growth in your Maths, questioning your own thinking and checking your answers. Well done. • Rei Cowie for being adventurous with your learning. • Nikita Phillips for being ready to learn, ready to be a friend, ready to help, and ready to take risks, without delay. Your energy and enthusiasm is inspiring to us all! • Leo Hampe for your love of Maths and engagement in our learning sessions. Thank you for sharing the important things you notice! • Hayden Hoogenberg for being a thoughtful and considerate member of our Community. You always have the best interests of others ahead of your own. • Peyton Taylor for having an impressive start to Term 2. You are confident, vibrant and succeeding in your learning. • Mia Reid for being a knowledgeable learner and sharing your ideas and understandings with quiet confidence to others. You are a role model to others! • Jessie Lord for being an empowered learner who is always asking questions and persisting to find solutions, even if they are a challenge. • Nei Rua Kamarie for always taking pride in your learning and looking for ways to improve. • Jermaine Tele for being a delightful addition to our Community. We appreciate your humour and friendly nature on a daily basis. • Harper Tohill for being a respectful and determined learner. You are a fantastic role model to others in our Community. • Mia Hale for being a respectful, encouraging member of our Community and growing in confidence with your learning. • Romy Visser for the kindness and care you show towards others and your passion for learning. • Sahil Patel for an excellent start to Term 2 and showing dedication to your learning.